The following terms and conditions apply to all passengers booking or riding with Chur Shuttles:
- Chur Shuttles will always endeavour to be on time and will contact you if there is any issues with your booking or ride.
- Payment is up front and if not paid online, will be paid on entry to the shuttle. Not after your ride is complete.
- Please be on time. Chur Shuttles reserves the right to cancel and charge the full fare amount to any bookings / rides that are false or where the passenger(s) are unreasonably late or no shows. If you can’t make it on time – please contact us to cancel free of charge or reschedule. Give plenty of notice BEFORE the submitted pick-up time.
- A cleaning fee of $300 will apply to any passenger(s) that cause soilage of the vehicle.
- Any unnecessary aggression, violence, or crime committed against any drivers or passengers is completely unacceptable and perpetrators will be dealt with accordingly (ejected from the shuttle with no refund and possible referral to the New Zealand Police). We are here to provide a safe service for you all.
- Security camera may be operational in all shuttles.
- IP Addresses are automatically logged when booking online.
- If the all mountains ski facilities are closed due to inclement weather after you have booked but before you are picked up. We will refund you. If the all mountains ski facilities close after you have boarded the shuttle, we reserve the right to charge a full price one way fare.
- If there is unusually high demand on mobile internet this may affect your booking and we recommend staying in touch via calls.